Below, we take an in-depth look at why traditions are so essential, what research says about their benefits, and what you can do to intentionally maintain and create traditions in your own family. And although not all of us have that perfect family relationship, family traditions are so important and should be continued on from generation to generation as these create a binding force for most. Not in location, but in heart, in attitude, and in life and the lives before us. If you trace any tradition to its source, you will find its roots in the inner experience of an individual or group of people, says Sadhguru. By participating in a variety of traditions together, family … While Attachment Theory by John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth states that physical proximity is enough to create a mediocre sense of attachment, the neurological bonding that happens with family is very important in creating a secure identity throughout adulthood and life. As we discussed in our first post about the importance of creating a positive family culture, traditions and rituals form one of the three pillars of a family culture. Family traditions define who we are by exemplifying where we’re from. While maintaining family tradition is important, it can be a challenging feat with the fast paced and technologically driven world we occupy today. In fact, keeping traditions teach our children what things and practice our families’ value. A tradition is therefore valuable as an inspiration or means for the present generation to arrive at that same experience. Why are traditions important to society? Social Relationships and Bonding. Some traditions are big, like extended family gathering together for Thanksgiving dinner every year, but some are much smaller, like having a special breakfast on the first day of school. Why are traditions important to families? Traditions can be any combination of stories, beliefs, rituals and customs that your family maintains and passes on from one year to the next (and one generation to another). Cultural traditions are important because they transmit shared values, stories and goals from one generation to the next. Tradition remains one of the few practices that truly belongs to your family and close friends, and allows you to cherish the very valuable memories created with your loved ones over the years. Traditions encourage groups of people to create and share a collective identity, which in turn serves to shape individual identities. Children and family psychologists agree that these traditions and rituals are an important part of childhood development. Strength. In an increasingly fragmented and busy world, family traditions can be a source of strength, joy, and identity for many. Traditions take time and attention, but they are a way to mark important and meaningful times with the ones you love. Traditions help to bind us together as a family. Few reasons listed below tell us why Traditions are essential in our lives: 10.
2020 why are family traditions important