Slightly hinging and bending your knees when maximum tension is achieved at the lower back and hamstrings, Fixing your knees during the flexion and pushing the hips backward, More bending of your knees, engaging the hamstrings and glutes lesser than the stiff leg version, Hamstrings, glutes, erectors, traps, forearms, middle and upper back, Erectors, lats, glutes, hamstrings, forearms, traps, Can be performed with lighter weights (100-250 lbs), Involves lifting lighter weights (110-250 lbs) than the standard version, Requires lifting heavier weights (130-300 lbs). The lower back, glutes, and calves are also hit as secondary muscle groups. A strong posterior chain is essential for athletic performance as well as keeping your back healthy. It is commonly performed on leg days along with other deadlift variations on back days thereby helping you to work on and improve the movement pattern. During this exercise, you should feel a deep stretch in these muscles. Does not allow you to lift too heavy and thus somewhat helps in injury prevention. It develops your abdominal muscles and core strength. Assuming this to be your starting position, bend at your waist and bring the barbell down over the top of your feet. Extend your hips and bring your torso up to return to the initial position. © 2020 ( Grab a bar using an overhand grip and stand with a shoulder-width stance, keeping your torso straight and knees slightly bent. A great move for improving leg and lower back strength. Get access to the latest health and fitness insights, tools and special offers to keep your career moving. The stiff-legged deadlift strengthens the adductors, core, gluteus maximus and hip flexors as well as the muscles of the middle and upper back. The conventional deadlift is considered a hip-dominant movement and will use more muscles of the posterior chain, such as the spinal erectors. Always keep your back straight. Dumbbell Deadlift Exercise Information. Lifting too much weight or jerking motions can cause back injury. Place your feet anywhere between hip-width and shoulder-width apart. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Remember, you … The dumbbell stiff leg deadlift works your hamstrings, glutes, and your lower back. Grab a bar using an overhand grip and stand with a shoulder-width stance, keeping your torso straight and knees slightly bent. The dumbbell stiff leg dead lift is basically the same exercise as the barbell version of this exercise – The only difference are the dumbbells. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Assuming this to be your starting position, bend at your waist and bring the barbell down over the top of your feet. Extend your hips and bring your torso up to return to the initial position. Do not round your back forward while moving the torso down. Keep the movement slow and controlled throughout the exercise. This exercise engages the four muscles in the back of your leg that comprise the hamstring: the biceps femoris (a group of two muscles), semitendinosus, and the semimembranosus. Keep moving your torso forward until you feel the hamstrings are stretched. The stiff leg deadlift is a hip hinge movement that targets your hamstrings more than the traditional deadlift. Keep moving your torso forward until you feel the hamstrings are stretched. The muscles worked for the stiff leg dumbbell deadlift are the glutes and hamstrings as the primary with marginal lower back and quad muscle activation. Studies tell us that strength training is … Do not use a false grip for holding the barbell. You may start lifting the bar off the floor or out of a rack. Another important muscle worked by the stiff-legged dumbbell deadlift is the gluteus maximus. It should not be performed by people who have lower back issues. Alternative Names: Deadlift with dumbbells; Type: Strength; Experience Level: Beginner; Equipment: Dumbbell; Muscles Targeted: Hamstrings, lower back, glutes, quads; Mechanics: Compound; Average Number of Sets: 3-4 with 12-15 reps each; Variations: Stiff leg, single leg, single arm, burpee, suitcase dumbbell deadlift This is particularly true just off the floor to about knee height, because the angle of the torso will be more horizontal to the floor (when compared with other variations such as the sumo deadlift). All rights reserved. Keep your thumbs wrapped around the bar.
2020 stiff leg dumbbell deadlift muscles worked