Continue reading → Posted in Breastfeeding , Lactation Consultants , Milk Supply | Tagged fenugreek , fenugreek side effects , galactagogues , lactation consultant , lactation cookies , Milk Supply , milkmakers , teas for milk supply | 14 Replies Lactation cookies have no adverse effects. It seems a good proportion of mothers who eat breastfeeding biscuits report an increase in milk supply, (but unfortunately, not everyone), and this may be a placebo … Another thing that might make the whole experience easier: understanding some of the more unpleasant and ouch-inducing side effects of breastfeeding. Nuisances such as gas from oatmeal and weight gain from eating too many cookies are some of the reported "side effects." Flaxseed – Flaxseed is high in omega-3 fatty acids (which are great for baby) and it also contains phytoestrogens that can influence breast milk production. You can learn more about brewer’s yeast in my lactation bites post. However, the most common side effects of this ingredients is gas, bloating and migraine-like headaches. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence supporting the effects of lactation cookies and galactagogues. Uncomfortable side effects are common; and, for some mothers, fenugreek can be downright dangerous. Here's what you … It can interact with a variety of medications and can cause some unwanted side effects. Because the ingredients of lactation cookies are all-natural, there are no known adverse effects. A lot of lactation cookies have brewers yeast in them as it’s become another well heard of potential booster of milk supply.
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