Yes women still get harassed, but so do men, yes women still get raped and murdered, but so do men. Men and women are both from Earth. Even though men get paid more than women for some companies does not mean that they are not equal because that's not all companies. Men and women are entitled to receive an education of equal standards. They are emotionally weaker, And respond to depression and/or stress with aggression. We cannot deny this, Our bodies are the proof, And our psychology is the proof too. Or do anything outside the traditional gender role? None of that Mars and Venus stuff.We're two complementary halves. Thank you. They hold women to too high of a standard because of what they see on the computer or television screen. For instance, in a time of war men are separated from women and children for the simple fact that men are more dangerous and can be utilized more effectively to fight an enemy, hence the word manpower! It is nature and who people are. Therefore, both men and women deserve equal rights since they are similar in all aspects whatsoever. Physically weaker than men, Brain capacity is smaller and statistically around 65% of women work compared to 91% of men. It has shown in military training were women are not able to do the physically demanding things that men can. This also trains men to look at our exterior rather than interior and can cause many women even in professional settings to feel uncomfortable. Equal in what aspect? If it weren't for women, men would not be where they are today and I feel as if we have responsibilities we take care of at home to make lives easier for the men, then why can't we be treated equally? This is why we need an Eh/other/neither yes nor no column. Yes, women are equal to men. One vote each, free speech, etc. Are women not given lighter punishment for the crimes they commit? And they 2 cannot be equal. I say no because women are limited on jobs. Women won't perform as well on the battlefield as men and they never will, it's biology. Being different doesn't make us unequal. We all have a great time together, regardless of gender. But men and women are obviously different in a number of ways. Women feed their children with the milk from their breast. Most available jobs required muscles more than anything else. Due to our history, this is just a reality. Also men carry heavy things while the women carry's light things. The traditional role of a women is supposed to be "housekeeping", but what if we wanted to work? Women also take an average of 1. Men are superior to women in every single category - science, Engineering, Medicine, Space exploration and so on. As a young professional woman, now married, in the 21st century, I am slowly growing out of my girl's naivety where I did feel very free and equal to everyone else. Of course, there are exceptions: There are some men who don't have that urge, some women who do. So lets take a pledge to respect women and say no to discrimination, Men and women should be equal in the twenty first century because this is the century where the strength of intelligence is greater than the physical strength.Along time ago, the majority of people believed that men should work harder than women because they are responsible financially to feed and support their families. Not just in the fact that out genetic make up is different, but also how we are treated in society. It's just all over the place and it seems like no one is on the same page. Men and women were both born from the same planet, the same rock-we started out from scratch-the same species, and therefore we started out equal. This world is not equal. My finally reason is that in the bible when Adam and Eve eat the apple God made Adam do all the heavy lifting. Men get many more chances in life than women, they build up this idea that women have to basically live in the kitchen and that they aren't better than men. I use the word equal here meaning that men and women have equal value as human beings. No person deserves to have a lesser status because of their gender, which is not a … In some animals like Hyenas, Females dominate; and in some animals like humans and gorillas, Males dominate. Women get the same opportunities and they make different choices. One is always biologically superior to the other, One gender always has a greater social position than the other(this does not means that they have it easier, In fact they are usually at greater risk of injury). Men and women are equal. With rare exception, the people who go out and accomplish things are men. We mean that they are de jure equal; equal in every respect under the law, not de facto equal, in every possible respect. Ideally, these energies are merged seamlessly.Men are physically stronger. In a democratic country like India everyone is equal in the eyes of law whether women or men.And to be more obvious in today's era women are proving themselves in much more context.As a girl i often think that why there is no place for a girl or women to live peacefully....Almost about 99% of women are unsafe and asking for our help.. This is true of every single society anywhere ever. That's what men do. And yes, I am a woman. Some people confuse such subtlety with weakness; in truth, it is stronger than the most aggressive physical force imaginable.
2020 man and woman are equal debate