do a deep etch on the Damascus then neutralize the blade and clean it back up. Slow cooling of the alloy resulted in a crystalline material containing carbide. The steel can be drawn out using flat or drawing dies and taking “bites” at the billet. A press of 20 to 30-tonne capacity will normally suffice. Usually I start with bars 12 to 18 inches long and 1 inch wide and thicknesses range from 1/32 to 1/4 inches thick depending on various factors. after 5 or ten minutes remove the copper, and dilute the ferric/copper solution with four parts water. you need to get all the residue out of the pattern. dip your clean polished blade into the ferric/copper solution. I have made a press specifically for damascus, although a standard H-frame press can be used. keep … Damascus steel was made by forging wootz into swords and other objects. now take some straight ferric and put some copper in it. I grind the edges clean and free from mill scale, to improve the bond when welding, and then stack the steels alternating color type to about 1 1/4 inches tall. stir and then let sit until the bubbles are gone. It required considerable skill to maintain constant temperatures to produce steel with the characteristic wavy pattern. Using a press is a very practical way to make damascus although not the fastest.
2020 how to make damascus steel