According to the National Administration on Aging, as of 2014, the older population (defined as those age 65 and older) represents 14.5 percent of Americans. [50], The nursing shortage continues to affect all aspects of nursing, and gerontological nursing is no exception. [37] In the 1990s, research focus was put on how pain affected the daily lives of older adults. There are community centers where the elderly patient can receive their influenza and pneumococcal vaccines. Specific education in gerontological care is important for all nurses, even those who work outside of long-term care, because older adults make up a significant portion of patients across specialties. Where do gerontology nurses work? Gerontological Nurses need to know how to care for illnesses that affect the aging, the other factors affect aging, and how these impact people. [15] Nursing may need to provide patients with dentures if teeth are missing to assist the patient in chewing their food. [12], Gerontological nursing draws on knowledge about complex factors that affect the health of older adults. [4] Many nursing programs that do not have specific gerontological courses have instead integrated this content into the existing curriculum. Falls in the elderly are the leading cause of injury and mortality in America. [17][18] Population aging and the complexity of health care needs of some older adults means that older adults are more likely than younger people to use health care services. This act can ultimately hinder an adults experience in receiving adequate health care leading to an overall risk of impaired health. The overall goal is to reduce prejudice and stereotypical attitudes towards older adults in all settings. Professional nursing involves the use of culturally competent care combined with scientific research to deliver clinical expertise. The branch of nursing concerned with the care of the older population, including promotion of healthy aging as well as prevention, assesssment, and management of physiological, pathological, psychological, economic, and sociological problems. Gerontology educates people about old age and other issues that affect older adults. [35], A few initiatives that were taken to improve gerontological care is “The Nurse Competence in Aging” project which focused on providing grants and assistance to over 50 specialty nursing organizations and provided nurses with a free online gerontological nursing resource center. The older patient has more comorbidities and different mental health issues that affect their daily living activities. [19], Including, GAPNA (formerly NCGNP) which was founded in 1981, by a group of Gerontological Nurse Practitioners with the intention of offering the first continuing education conferences designed specifically to meet the needs of advanced practice nurses providing care for older adults. (2019) and it was found that the work environment plays a major role in improving nurse retention in nursing homes. According to the United Nations World Populations Prospect (2020),[38] the average life expectancy is 78.93 years which is a 0.16% increase since 2018. Older adults have been referred to as "the core business of healthcare" by gerontological nursing experts. A study conducted by Garbrah et al. Viewing aging as a natural process also develops more positive attitudes towards working with older adults. [4][28] Pioneers in the field of gerontological nursing include Vera McIver,[29] Doris Schwartz,[30] Mary Opal Walanin. This field requires complex care to fulfill their needs. Systems must manage health promotion, gender equality, employment, reduce inequity across countries, and collaborate to include global societies.
2020 gerontology nursing definition