Malaria was plaguing the island until 1946 . 6th cent. Sardinia Film Festival was founded in 2006. Along with them went the Greeks, who founded the colonies of Alalia in Corsica, and Olbia in Sardinia. On March 6 of this year the ‘Sardinia Blue Zone’ observatory for longevity was officially founded. Some specimens are preserved in the Historical Archive of the city of Cagliari. Read More; Two Sicilies. Italy incorporated Venetia and the former Papal States (including Rome) by 1871 following the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71). Greeks try to establish colonies in northeastern Sardinia. B.C. 535 B.C. In Ravenna …which became the kingdom of Italy in 1861. 26. Later, when Pedro de Mendoza founded Buenos Aires in Argentina, he chose the name Santa María del Buen Aire, in reference to the Virgin of Buen Aire in Sardinia. In 1882 the two were consolidated into Union School District No. Charles Albert’s son, Victor Emmanuel II, became the first king of unified Italy. Set against the backdrop of the glittering Mediterranean, the archaeological remains of the mighty Phoenician port Tharros, founded in 730 BC, are one of Sardinia’s most stunning sights. After the kingdom of Sardinia was founded in 1326, it became part of the Crown of Aragon; these seals will come to closing documents of King James II (1326), Alfonso Benigno (1327–1336) and Peter I (1336–1387). History. Etruscans (from central Italy) and Carthaginians (the heirs to the Phoenician cities in the east) drive out the Greeks at the battle of Alalia. But what is less known is that the island was plagued by malaria, up until 1946. Sardinians resist the Carthaginian presence, and at time manage to defeat it. Sardinia. The Sardinia Censor was started about 1890 with George A. Smith editor; he was succeeded by Thomas B. Crocker, who continues the publication. The Carthaginians, then a Phoenician dependency, conquered Alalia in 535 BC with the Etruscans' help. See also Savoy, house of. This is a little known fact about Sardinia, as most people think of it as a beautiful island. Read More; In Sardinia …of the new kingdom of Italy proclaimed by the first Italian parliament on March 17, 1861. The town of Olbia was a Greek city founded on a pre-existing Phoenician settlement. For several years there were two district schools, one at the upper and one at the lower end of the village. With 500 films, short subjects, animated cartoons and documentaries in 2009, it has become the most prominent film festival in Sardinia. 8 and a frame school building erected. After Corsica, even part of Sardinia came under the control of the Carthaginians. Notable people. The formation of the modern Italian state began in 1861 with the unification of most of the peninsula under the House of Savoy (Piedmont-Sardinia) into the Kingdom of Italy.
2020 when was sardinia founded