0 0. lenpol7 . Use the square root calculator below to find the square root of any real number, positive or negative. Lv 7. Sqrt(40). Rounded to two decimal places, the Square root of 40 is equal to ± If you need the decimal, it's about 6.32455. Square root of 40. 4X10= 40 take the square root of 2 and makes exactly a 2, and just leave the square root of 10 with radical sign so the answer is 2i square root of 10 Take it like this: 1. First we write the square root of 40 like this: √ 40 The largest perfect square of the factors of 40 is 4. The square root of 40 in its simplest form means to get the number 40 inside the radical √ as low as possible. Which of these factors is a perfect square? Here are the answers to questions like: Square root of 40 or what is the square root of 40? See also on this page a square root chart 1 to 100. Sign in. 40 is equal to the square root of 41 2 - 9 2 and the square root value of 40 is 6.32456. Factors of 40 are: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 40 2. sqrt(40) = sqrt(4) * sqrt(10) And the square root of 4 is 2. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. What do you think of the answers? Here is how to do that! 8 years ago. So sqrt(40) = 2 * sqrt(10), which is what your calculator is telling you. Find the square root of 40 or any other real number, positive or negative. The Square root of 40 is about 6.32.
2020 square root of 40