It rises in the east at dawn. the part which is visible to be observed by us is the photosphere. Though massive, the Sun still isn’t as large as other types of stars. Stars are made up of vast clouds of hydrogen gas, some helium and dust. This natural alignment is mysterious and it is hard to explain why the star is placed in such a position. The photosphere is the deepest part of the Sun. The sun is a very hot ball of diameter 1400000 km.This is about 109 times bigger than the earth. Sun is a big satellite . It gives off energy as light.That includes light, infra-red energy (heat), ultraviolet light and radio waves. Add your answer and earn points. To save your time and ours, we suggest you take a look at The Sun before submitting. It holds a very important position in our solar system. Short Essay on Sun in English for Students and Children- The sun is a star which is at the centre of the Solar system. The sun is known to make an enormous gravitational pull that needs to be countered. Green planets would not be able to produce food to other living creatures. By Ross Gay • July 2013. People are very much fond of visiting specific places to watch the view of sunrise and sunset. It sets in the west in the evening. Please note that sun is the only star having a known system of planets with life on one of its planets, called earth. It is known as the Milky Way of the Solar system. The earth is a planet and it revolves around the sun leading to … Short Essay on Stars. Article shared by. The sun provides us with so much and the more we understand the sun the more we are able to advance from our findings. Sun also soaked water which are scattered here and there. It consists mostly of hydrogen gas. Sun. The sun is not a solid body. The earth moves round the sun. Sun gives us many vitamins and minerals. Sunlight travels at the speed … We get sunlight that gives us Vitamin D. It is very much essential for living beings. varshneydeekshpbek49 varshneydeekshpbek49 Here is ur answer Sun is a big satellite . The sun is a big ball of fire. The sun is a star which is at the centre of the Solar system. The sun was thought to be a solar deity or other supernatural entity in many ancient cultures. Every living being gets their energy from the sun. Its light takes about 8 minutes to reach the Earth as it is 150 x 1,00,000 kilometers away from the Earth. 494 Words Short Essay on the Moon. Sun is the nearest star to the planet earth. It is a yellow dwarf star. We can't live without sun. Looking at the sun you wouldn’t think that it’s moving but it’s actually traveling through space at 220 km per second. They are ‘photosphere’ and … Sun: Short Essay on Sun. A short essay on the sun 1 See answer ashrafcphpcmbnk is waiting for your help. It is the source of all energy in the earth. Sun is the star at the centre of our solar system. In the centre of the sun, hydrogen atoms are continuously combining … The sun is a beauty to our nature. It can harm to the extent that it will lead one to temporary partial blindness. Sun is the star at the centre of our solar system. un’s visible sections are mainly divided into two parts. Sample Essays. The moon is one of the. It can cause pain if one looks at the sun directly with naked eyes. It is the source of light and heat without which life on earth would not be possible. The Sun is the nearest star to the Earth. Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Copyrights. Our earth is formed by the sun. smallest of the heavenly bodies which can be seen from the earth. Our earth depends on sun the most . The sun can be defined as the solar system’s gravitational center. According to scientist the sun is the nearest star to earth the only planet believed to be inhabited by the living creatures. The sun does so much for Earth; life cannot carry on without it. It is a sphere of hot gases. The sun keeps our planets in orbit due to its’ large gravitational forces and provides our planet with heat. Sun is the most important source of energy for life on Earth. The sun can be defined as the solar system’s gravitational center. The people of Hindu religion consider the sun as a god. There are many different ways in which stars can be classified, and The Sun is listed as a G-type Main Sequence star and is also known as a … Sun gives us many vitamins and minerals. The sun is a powerful and prominent star in our solar system. The sun is composed mainly of hydrogen and helium. Category: Essays and Paragraphs On December 4, 2018 By Various Contributors. Share. Sun: Short Essay on Sun. We can’t live without sun. The temperature at the surface of the sun is about 6000°C while the temperature at its centre is about 20 million degrees Celsius. Every star is a huge mass of hot gases and big flames are coming out of it. Sun is the nearest star to the planet earth. The gravitational pull of the solar system keeps the planets moving in place in the solar orbit. Once sunlight leaves the sun it travels towards Earth at 300,00 km per second and takes eight minutes to arrive on Earth’s surface. Our earth depends on sun the most . The sun has been an object of respect in many cultures all throughout human history. Checkout English Summary's free educational tools and dictionaries. The Sun is a powerful star. It is a sphere of hot gases. The Sun is a star that is located at the centre of our solar system composed primarily of hydrogen and helium with smaller quantities of oxygen, carbon, neon, and iron. The sun is the star in the solar system. The Sun is the star in the center of our solar system. We’ve provided some sample essays below. Earth and other planets revolve around it. Some Thoughts On Mercy. They are ‘photosphere’ and ‘atmosphere’. Sun’s visible sections are mainly divided into two parts. It is known as the Milky Way of the Solar system. The sun is composed mainly of hydrogen and helium. It is composed of various gases. Article shared by. The Sun is the largest object within our solar system, comprising 99.8% of the system’s mass. Discover the Importance of India. The harmful rays emitted by the sun are known as UV rays. But the brightness of the sun can also harm people. One of the beautiful palaces in India is the Nandi Hills of Bangalore where people pay their visit to experience the sunrise. It takes our sun 225-250 million years to complete an orbit around the Milky Way galaxy. But it is the nearest to us, and on that account, with the exception of the sun, appears the target. Our earth is formed by the sun. Related posts: Short Paragraph for kids on DUSSEHRA ; ... Short essay on the North Indian From 200 BC to 300 AD. Essay on the Sun in English. Stars are the heavenly bodies like the sun that are extremely hot and have light of their own. 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2020 short essay on sun