4. Gene therapy includes approaches that correct genetic defects or manipulate genes to induce tumor cell destruction in the hope of preventing or combating the disease. While being prepared for a biopsy of a lump in the right breast, the patient asks the nurse what the difference is between a benign tumor and a malignant tumor. A persistent skin sore that does not heal may be indicative of melanoma. D: Benign tumors usually do not recur. 2. Nurses have a huge set of responsibilities for handling a patient with cancer. Here are some practice questions for this study guide: In Exam Mode: All questions are shown but the results, answers, and rationales (if any) will only be given after you’ve finished the quiz. For all cancer sites combined, African American men have a. The nurse explains that a benign tumor differs from a malignant tumor in that benign tumors. Which snack choice by the patient indicates that the teaching has been effective? B&D: The patient asks for the information to be repeated, indicating that lack of interest in learning and denial are not etiologic factors. Nursing Care Plans. Non-pharmacologic pain management techniques help promote relaxation, enhances the attention span and helps reduce overall pain perception of the patient. Nursing care for patients with lung cancer revolves around comprehensive supportive care and patient teaching can minimize complications and speed recovery from surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy. D: A yearly x-ray is not a risk factor for lung cancer. Fluid Volume Deficit related to inability to take the recommended fluid intake as evidenced by (indicate signs and symptoms seen), Risk for Fluid Volume Deficit related to intake less than recommended, Risk for Fluid Volume Deficit related to excessive losses through (indicate if it is vomiting, diarrhea, etc.). Acute pain may be defined or manifested by a combination of the following symptoms: On the other hand, patients who are experiencing chronic pain may be seen with the following: Pain related to biological injuring agent/chemical injuring agent/physical injuring agent (please indicate which is present) as evidenced by (list down signs and symptoms seen). A lump or thickening in the breast or testicles are indicative signs for further investigation. You have entered an incorrect email address! This is due to the massive nausea and vomiting that the patient is experiencing, especially after chemotherapy sessions. Targeted therapies seek to minimize the negative effects on healthy tissues by disrupting specific cancer cell functions such as malignant transformation, cell communication pathways, processes for growth and metastasis, and genetic coding. Skin turgor is one indirect indicator of hydration status of the patient. The most effective way to protect patients and families from fraudulent therapies and questionable cancer cures is to establish a trusting relationship, provide supportive care, and promote hope. Routinely monitor the patient’s white blood cell count, serum protein, and serum albumin. This study was carried out among a sample of 40 patients receiving home health care for a period of 1 to 19 weeks. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. D. “Frequent x-rays damage the lungs and make them more susceptible to cancer.”, 5. Cancer is a disease process that begins when an abnormal cell is transformed by the genetic mutation of the cellular DNA. C: Yogurt has high biologic value because of the protein and fat content. Most types of a cancer cells clumps together to form a mass or tumor. and can spread to vital organs resulting in disseminated disease, commonly a harbinger of Imminent patient death. B. The changes in the health status and potential terminal diagnosis of the patient may affect the entire family. D: Careful cleaning after having a bowel movement will help to prevent perineal skin breakdown and infection. A cancer diagnosis is based on the assessment of physiologic and functional changes and results of the diagnostic evaluation. A: Fresh, thinned-skin peaches are not permitted in a neutropenic diet because of the risk of bacteria being present. B: The patient should ambulate in the room rather than the hospital hallway to avoid exposure to other patients or visitors. Due to the multiple health issues and problems that a patient with cancer may have in the duration of the disease, you may encounter the need to implement several nursing care plans.
2020 nursing care plan for cancer patient