Search through the entire ancient history timeline. Cyrus the Great of Persia conquered Babylon in 539 BC and issued a decree allowing the first of the Jews to return to Jerusalem the following year under Zerubbabel. This tables shows the reigns of each of the Kings of Judah and Israel, together with the dates and lengths of the reigns, and the prophets who were active at that time. The Southern Kingdom (Judah) The Southern Kingdom consisted of 2 tribes (Judah and Benjamin). The kingdom extended in the north as far as Bethel, while in the south it ended in the dry area known as the Negev. c. 970: David’s son Solomon becomes king.He builds the Temple in Jerusalem. c. 1300-1200 BCE: The Israelites enter the land of Canaan: the age of the Judges starts. To 586 B.C.E. Its eastern and western boundaries were the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Donate Now. THE DAVIDIC KINGS OF JUDAH 930 – 30AD to Eternity • Historical Books Charts List. c. 930: Divided kingdom: Judah and Israel: 722-720: Israel crushed by Assyrians; 10 tribes exiled (Ten Lost Tribes). Ancient History Encyclopedia Limited is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. Timeline: Prophets in the Reigns of Kings of Judah and Israel. Blogger Grid member Craig T. Owens (@craigtowens) created the helpful chart below delineating the Old Testament prophets and kings of Israel and Judah and has now updated it: [Sign up to receive in your inbox a free daily reading of the Old & New Testament from Bible Gateway]Craig says:. This timeline tracks the rulers of Israel and Judah in parallel with other ancient events from 1025 B.C.E. The northern kingdom was conquered and deported by Assyria in 722 BC, and Judah later fell to the Babylonians, with the final of three exiles coming in 586 BC. First Davidic successor was Solomon, son of Bathsheba, c 970- 930BC. One challenging point in history is the divided kingdoms of Israel (the 10 northern tribes) and Judah … Judah Timeline. According to the Hebrew Bible, the Kingdom of Judah resulted from the break-up of the United Kingdom of Israel (1020 to about 930 BCE) after the northern tribes refused to accept Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, as their king.At first, only the tribe of Judah remained loyal to the House of David, but the tribe of Benjamin soon joined Judah. Jerusalem made capital of David's kingdom. With the revolt of the 10 Northern tribes, two kingdoms were formed: the Kingdom of Israel in the north and the Kingdom of Judah in the south. c. 1050-1010: The Israelites establish a kingdom, first under Saul (c.1050-1010) and then under David (c.1010-970). One ruling family = the House of David. Timeline of Ancient Israel. Specify between which dates you want to search, and what keywords you are looking for. Timeline Search. c.960: First Temple, the national and spiritual center of the Jewish people, built in Jerusalem by King Solomon.
2020 kingdom of judah timeline