(Julie Hatcher, IUPUI). %��������� It's Your Thing/Express Yourself 22. In this activity, students will practice making and adjusting predictions about their texts. Facilitating Reflection Attitude Communication Group Dynamics Trouble-Shooting 3. Quotes in Songs - Ask the students to find a song where the singer uses lyrics that describe what he/she feels about the service-learning project. Class Presentations, ( A note about reflection journals: a common tendency is for journal entries to become a mere log of events rather than a reflective activity in which students consider the service experience in the context of learning objectives. Now that it's over, what are my first thoughts about this overall project? (Nadinne Cruz, Stanford University ), 18. Reading Reflections: Making & Evaluating Predictions Reflective readers ask questions throughout the reading process, such as wondering what will happen next. It's My Bag 21. List phrases that describe your actions at the service site. Students may also create their own directed writing questions from the text. Mid-semester, students are asked to identify an underlying social issue they have encountered at the service site. (Hatcher 1996), 7. These don’t need to be task focused, but can include reflection on the outcome of an activity e.g. All you need to do is ask yourself some questions. Engaged learning involves the student drawing overt connections between the hands-on activity and the ideas, theories, and self-understanding he or she has prior to doing the activity. This is an opportunity for students to display their work in a public format. Essay questions are provided at the beginning of the semester and students are expected to submit two to three essays during the term. For example, "William Gray has identified five stages of a mentor-protégé relationship. ܶ1*�]���U2S��@Ŕ3!V��Z�N�bUA_�b5aM���2�y[N�kӀ�F�]��z����X�]���}�eq�� \�s\�:X d;C]��Ñ��W=iF���7�D�Ugh�=���� ��1)�[�! Guidance is needed to help students link personal learning with course content. By answering one of the following sets of prompts, students are asked to consider their thoughts and reactions and articulate the action they plan to take in the future: Describe a significant event that occurred as a part of the service-learning experience. I was more comfortable with after doing a couple simulation. 2. Download a Guided Reflection on Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving. List phrases that describe your thoughts at the service site. Have three newsprint papers strategically located and taped to the walls around the classroom. What Are Some Strategies For Reflection Activities? A reflection sheet to be used with the short story "Freedom on the Menu: The Greensboro Sit-ins" by Carole Boston Weatherford. Small Group Week - This is a simple alternative to full-class reflection sessions when you really want students to have a maximum amount of time to talk individually. Discussions may involve the entire class or just small numbers of students. Tell them to bring this bag with the item(s) to the reflection session, and have them explain their items to the rest of the class. October 17, 2019, Thursday. Personal Journal - Students will write freely about their experience. Critical Incident Journal - This type of journal entry focuses the student on analysis of a particular event that occurred during the week. List three other actions you might have taken. Then you could ask them to explain why this quote represents his/her feelings. Require them to make this professional. Download the Guided Reflection on Leo’s Gift. All. This exercise involves both writing and speaking and is seen as non-threatening in an oral presentation sense. Be sure to require that it must be some kind of individual work that he/she has created. The articulated learning: An approach to guided reflection and assessment. Guided Reflection On Your Writing. Be prepared to prod these students a little. If you would like to hear guided imagery scripts like these, listen to free guided imagery scripts as … ©new Date().getFullYear()>2017&&document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Discuss your use of adjunct oxygen therapy for this patient, including why you chose a particular oxygen device, rate, and flow. 24. Encourage them to write down as many different brainstormed thoughts as possible (one for each card). Facilitating Reflection: A Manual for Leaders and Educators > Table of Contents 1. In addition to that, there are a number of structured and guided reflection assignments that can be carried out individually or in group. The instructor can provide a list of terms at the beginning of the semester or for a certain portion of the text. Reflection strategies for classroom activities (Compiled by Professor Diane Sloan, Miami Dade College, and based on the work of Julie Hatcher and Robert Bringle's "Reflection Activities for the College Classroom": Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis ). Then tell them to fill it with one (or two-depending on time) item(s) that remind them of how they feel about their service-learning project. These personal... 2. Quotes - Using quotes can be a useful way to initiate reflection because there is an ample supply of them, and they are often brief and inspiring. Double-entry Journals 6. Critical Incident Journals 7. Teaching Commons Return to Activities. Tell them to take the assignment home, write it and submit it at the next session. (Gary Hesser, Augsberg College ), 4. 20. "The real reason is to have documentation to present at future interviews. Union County College . Free Association Brainstorming 9. Quotes can be a useful way to initiate reflection because there is an ample supply of them, they are often brief yet inspiring, and they can sometimes be interpreted in multiple ways. (adapted from Prof. Gwen Stewart's song speech, Miami Dade College ), 11. Have one with a large happy face, one with a sad face, and one with a bewildered face. While labor intensive for the instructor, this can provide continual feedback to students and prompt new questions for students to consider during the semester. Many times others will help by trying to sing it with them. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> This usually proves to be "fun" in a sense that it creates a casual atmosphere and bonds the group together. There are the traditional strategies such as writing in journals, reporting orally in front of the class, or writing an essay describing the experience. It has a "New Vocabulary, Essential Questions, Text Connecti Directed Writings 13. It is clear that the power in learning is in the action of doing the activity. They can also offer advice and collaborate to identify solutions to problems encountered at the service site. Tanner stated that learning is enhanced as students reflect on and describe their clinical experiences. Reflective Essays 12. Schedule the reflection sessions so that only a small number of students need to attend. Based on their experience and library research, students make recommendations for future action. (Sloan 1996). Why was this significant to you? This worksheet will help students reflect on their deep relaxation experience. Another set of questions for a critical incident journal includes the following prompts: Describe an incident or situation that created a dilemma for you in terms of what to say or do. Ask students to now place their words on the newsprint paper that closest fits their brainstormed feelings. 2020/2021. Dialogue Journal - Students submit loose-leaf pages from a dialogue journal bi-weekly (or otherwise at appropriate intervals) for the instructor to read and comment on. Storytelling: A Guided Reflection Activity. Reflection Debriefing activities are fun, practical & engaging reflection strategies which help groups process one or more experiences to facilitate their learning, growth & development. Also, any products completed during the service experience (i.e., agency brochures, lesson plans, advocacy letters) should be submitted for review. Ethical Case Studies - Ethical case studies give students the opportunity to analyze a situation and gain practice in ethical decision making as they choose a course of action. Write down the questions, then write down your answers to the questions.
2020 guided reflection activities