Like if you want to build a shed on your property, but there’s a regulation against it, the town council can give you a variance. “Gee, your dog is really vocal, isn’t he?” That’s code for,  “One more night of barking and I’m calling animal control.”. Angel's Announcements Click here for Announcements. While this word sounds like something funny or possibly cute, it is actually referring to a long, dangerous knife. Take V. The letter V is a part of W, A, M, N, Y, and Z. It means angered, but it’s a lot less potent than anger. (Yeah, that’s right, lying on your side and trying to be sneaky.). Absolve | Verb | Clear of guilt or blame. Like one of those rusty old pieces of junk you have lying around in your garage and you pick it up and say, “I guess I could make something out of this.” But V still tries to be all sophisticated, right? Lollygag — To dawdle or be overly slow. Kids Exchange Funny Play On Words Sign Board Image. V-Card. You just do you. Viceroy [insert your name]. Just let me keep beating around the bush until I wear you out.”. © Copyright 2017 - Monkey Pickles Building Online Communites. Bumfuzzle — To confuse someone. Vic. 34-letter words that start with v. v ivadixiesubmarinetransmissionplot. 7 Letter words that start with v. Vacancy; Vacated; Vacates; Vaccina; Vaccine; Vacuity; Vacuole; Vacuous; Vacuums; Vagally; Vaginae; Vaginal; Vaginas; Vagrant; Vaguely; Vaguest; Vahines; Vailing; Vainest; Vakeels; Valance; Valence; Valency; Valeric; Valeted; Valgoid; Valiant; Validly; Valines; Valises; Valkyrs; Vallate; Valleys; Valonia; Valours; Valuate; Valuers; Valuing; Valutas; Valvate; Valving; Valvula; Valvule; … A viceroy is the ruler of a country, and it sounds regal. “Tee hee hee!” Stop that. If you’re vexed, it means your brow might be a little furrowed, or you might shake your head a little bit. It’s perfect for V because the people who use it like to put on airs, too. The decision really has me vexed.”. funny words. Cattywampus — Disorganized, when something is not arranged correctly. A variance is a departure from the rules. 28-letter words that start with v. v enkatanarasimharajuvaripeta. Some letters try to be all that, when they really aren’t. As in, “I’m vacillating between marrying the viceroy or the vamp. Batrachomyomachy — To make a mountain out of a molehill. 24-letter words that start with v. v entriculoperitoneostomy. I hope you have found this site to be useful. Links to this page may be made without permission. What’s Something You Want To Turn Into Jell-O? The word sounds like a cross between a hooker and a floozy. Lots of people have landed on our website looking for the answer of this riddle. It’s perfect with the other words we’ve covered so far. Words Start With "V" Word: Type: Meaning: Vacillate: verb: Keep changing one's mind, waver: Vacuous: adjective: Showing lack of thought or intelligence: Vainglorious: adjective: is an antique word for self promotion, vain boastfulness in one's self. Mehta Groups In Association with Recent site activity. To vacillate simply means to waver between two or more choices. Wampum – This funny word to say makes me think of the snow creature that freezes Luke upside down in a cave on Hoth. If you haven't laughed yet today, something is wrong! It was first used in reference to cut-and-thrust fighting in the 1700s and is still occasionally used when referencing the knife, though it is becoming more and more obsolete. But you’re still willing to hold hands. Word Finder's list of things starting with V will clear your hand, score you points and make you a power player in any word game. virginia tech. It is believed that wampum was used as currency and jewelry by ancient Native American peoples. “This variable variance is a veritable disgrace.”. Saying that someone is vocal is never a good thing. Obviously, if you’re vocal you like to talk a lot. Funny Words 4. Blah, blah, blah, some people like to drone on for as long as others are willing to listen … Poggersdorf, Austria. All material on this page © 1996-2014 Stephen Chrisomalis. vamp. … Er … Oops! Let’s try it out. If you have any corrections, additions, or comments, please contact me. Please note that I am not able to respond to all requests. Thank you for visiting our website. Word Definition vaalhaai: South African shark vaaljapie: inferior wine vacatur: annulment vaccary: dairy or cow pasture vaccimulgence: cow milking vaccinal: relating to vaccination vaccine: of, like or pertaining to cows; preparation conferring immunity to disease vaccinia: cow-pox vacciniform: resembling cow-pox vaccinogenic: producing vaccine vacherin If your boyfriend or girlfriend ever expresses vexation at you, don’t even worry about it. Words Start With "V" Words Start With "W" Words Start With "X" Words Start With "Y" Words Start With "Z" Sitemap. Word Finder's list of things starting with V will clear your hand, score you points and make you a power player in any word game. Vietnamese. vegetable. Funny funny words words. I Really Can't Walk The Or Talk Th Talk Funny Play On Words Image. It means real or genuine. Seriously, that’s how it happens. Well, hookers do show off. Don’t you just love the sound of that? We enjoy building a community of friends not just followers. Slo-Mo, & More, A Packrat Finds An Old Receipt While Cleaning – Funny Joke of the Day, 10 Funny Memes About Working Out & Wishing For Gains, Inspirational Quotes For When You Need Tough Love, Weekly Recap: The Best Shower Thoughts on Reddit, A Man Phones The House And The Maid Answers…. Nokia Funny Play On Words Picture … It means real or genuine. This is a word that you hear being bandied about in snooty financial offices. “There are simply too many variables for me to give you a straight answer. Vegeta. This is another way to say something is moving counter-clockwise or something is … Widdershins. Vexed “Oh, now you’ve vexed me.” See that? If you have NO IDEA what I'm talking about, then you NEED to read (and listen to) today's lesson on 40 Funny-Sounding Words in English! It’s a nice way of saying that you wish they’d shut up. … With a good list of words that start with V, that tricky letter - hard to play but without JQX gamechanging points - can start to work for you.This isn't a good list of words starting with V. It’s used mostly as an insult, but it just refers to showing off. of, like or pertaining to cows; preparation conferring immunity to disease, sweet mixture of meringue and whipped cream, one who holds that an absolute vacuum is possible in nature, ready reference manual regularly carried about, of, like or pertaining to underground water above the water table, ability to succeed in the struggle for existence, blue-grey squirrel fur; heraldic representation of blue and white rows, local ruler of multiple communities in southeastern Europe, drapery hung along the edge of a bed, table or canopy, device for drawing wine or beer out of a cask, of, like or pertaining to ill-health; anxious about health, ridge or bank of earth used as fortification, rampart; wall of earth thrown up from a ditch, plate fixed to spear or lance to guard the hand, rope used to steady the gaff of the fore-and-aft sail, one who tests ore by washing it on a shovel, effect of physical emanations on photographic plates, small porpoise living in the Gulf of California, unit of linear measure of between 33 and 43 inches, diverse and varied; having multi-coloured patches, of a camera, having a variable focal length, instrument for measuring magnetic declination, including the notes of earlier scholars or editors, one of two or more sounds used interchangeably by speakers of a language, metal ring attached to hawk's jess that connects to a leash, hollow organ or tube that conveys liquid within the body, of, like or pertaining to fluid-carrying vessels, instrument formerly used to stop bleeding, purification through destroying evil elements, of or characterized by prophecy; prophetic, of a spring in which water is expelled by artesian pressure, in hunting, release of a lead set of hounds before a following pack can catch up, feudal noble who is both a liege and a vassal, of, like or pertaining to the paying of tribute or rent, obstetrical instrument used as lever to free infant's head, oscilloscope used to analyze television signals, mounted sentry stationed to watch for enemy, Russian unit of liquid measure equal to 2.7 gallons, competition to become vice-presidential candidate, of agriculture, not relying on animal products, of, like or pertaining to or like a membrane or sail, of sounds, produced using the soft palate, lowest degree of volition; slight wish without any impulse to action, swift-footed; swift-footed person; old-fashioned bicycle, device to keep rotational speed of a shaft proportional to voltage applied, arrangement of veins on a leaf or an insect's wing, acting by poison or potions or by sorcery, instrument used to sample sherry from a cask, pursuit of sexual gratification; hunting; pursuit of game, introduction of liquid into the body by an intravenous drip, injecting radioactive material into veins for medical examination, reduction in flow of blood to a part of the body, armour for the neck, attached to the helmet, one of two or more wives who are mother to the same man's offspring, valve controlling the air supply of organ stops, of, like or pertaining to the underside or the belly, with great capacity or appetite for food; big-bellied, incision into the abdomen; surgery upon the abdomen, land tenure system in Dartmoor granting privileges over forested lands, morbid and purposeless repetition of certain words, one whose mental processes are stimulated by words, measure of land area equal to two-fifths of an acre, simultaneous movement of eyes toward or away from one another, doctrine that emphasizes empirical verification of theoretical principles, artistic preference of the everyday to the legendary, bright red or vermilion colour; gilded silver, worm-eaten; having sinuous lines giving appearance of being worm-eaten, bearing, containing or infested with worms, bearing young in the form of maggots or worms, to give a name in the vernacular; to use vernacular language, to artificially chill seeds to hasten flowering in spring, arrangement or formation of leaves in the bud, cloth with image of Christ's face impressed upon it, small movable scale for finely adjusting divisions of a measuring instrument, varnishing-day or preparation day prior to an art showing, greasy substance covering infant at its birth, ornamental letter at beginning of section, short verse in church service normally followed by response, unit of distance equal to approximately 2/3 of a mile, to convert religions; a religious convert, of or pertaining to the vertebrae; spinal, of, like or pertaining to vertigo; dizzy; giddy, decorated connector between helmet and mail of suit of armour, derangement of mental and moral faculties, of, like or pertaining to hornets or wasps, robing-room; cloakroom; of, like or pertaining to clothes, standard-bearer; pertaining to regimental colours or flags, instrument for measuring revolutions of a wheel, of, like or pertaining to roads or travel, money or provisions for journey; Eucharist for a dying person, percussion instrument like xylophone whose bars have variable vibrato, modern percussion instrument with rod and ball, tactile bristle such as cat's whisker; bristly hair, of, like or pertaining to a vicar or delegate, involving species or varieties that evolved in discrete habitats from one another, acting in place of another; having delegated authority, neighbourhood; residents in a neighbourhood, acquisition of a trait of a neighboring variety of a species through crossbreeding, light open two-seated four-wheeled carriage, fabric made from wool of the vicuna, a small ruminant, one who holds lands on behalf of a French bishop, four-stringed instrument played with a small wheel, liquid measure of one-quarter litre of alcoholic beverage, of an aircraft, to change direction abruptly, percentage of gambler's winnings taken by bookkeeper, team sport combining cricket and baseball, one of two administrative delegates in Andorra, to despise; to make light of; to disparage mockingly, Spanish musical form consisting of short verses and a refrain, poem consisting of five tercets and a quatrain, of, like or pertaining to a manor or village, line drawn above numbers to indicate multiplication by some value, large scorpion that emits foul vinegar-like secretion, instrument for measuring strength of wine, like wine; pertaining to wine; deep red or wine-coloured, of, like, or pertaining to vipers; treacherous; venomous, sharp bend in a hill or path winding up a road, old French poem with refrain and unusual rhyming scheme, process of transferring public funds between accounts, becoming green or greenish; of a greenish colour, streaks of precipitation particles attached to the bottom of a cloud, old unit of land area usually equal to 30 acres or 1/4 hide, system of geological faults branching out like twigs, small keyed instrument like a harpsichord, having letters of the alphabet shaped like twigs or thin strokes, killing of viruses; killing of men or of husbands, development of male character in the female, outdated name for a form of hermaphroditism, of a system of residence of a woman with her husband's kin after marriage, doctrine that Christ is virtually present in the Eucharist, light carriage with seats facing one another, distribution of raw flesh among dogs or men, having a comfort-loving, easygoing personality, of, like or pertaining to sight; learning easily by sight, of, like or pertaining to sight; visual; able to see or be seen, neighbourhood from which an English jury was formerly drawn, instrument for measuring focal length of the eye, South Indian measure of weight of around three and a half pounds, the doctrine that there is a vital force behind life, impair quality of; make invalid; spoil; make impure, glassy materials; glassware; study of glassware, band or stripe of colour on an animal or plant, of, like or pertaining to a calf or to calving, female camp follower who supplies provisions, artificial enclosure for keeping live animals, of, like or pertaining to civets and mongoose, small organ whose reeds produce tone like a human voice, correspondence by means of recorded oral messages, of a heraldic charge, having the inner part cut away, flying; able to fly; of a heraldic bird, with wings extended, of, like or pertaining to the palm or the sole; of, like or pertaining to flight, consenting to a course of action which requires risk, flying; flitting; fluttering; moving about, of, like or pertaining to the will; expressing desire or permission, instrument for measuring electrical current indirectly, instrument for measuring electrical potential, of, like or pertaining to birds; bird-like, instrument for measuring volume of a solid, instrument for measuring volume of a liquid or gas, of, like or pertaining to volume or cubic capacity, belief that the will dominates the intellect, instrument like an astrolabe used by doctors for astrology, of, like or pertaining to a whirlpool; voracious, of, like or pertaining to a vortex; whirling, painter who expresses complexity of machinery through art, device using mirrors to produce abstract photographs, given by vow; consisting of a vow or wish, the common people; schoolboy Latin composition, rapacious; of, like or pertaining to a vulture, of, like or pertaining to or resembling the vulva.
2020 funny v words