-opt-report-file= AMD also provides highly optimized libraries, which extract the optimal performance from each x86 processor core when utilized. The compiler will notify you if this issue is encountered. applications. -[no-]opt-gather-scatter-unroll Note: If your distributor provides technical support for this product, please contact them for support rather than Intel. This change is also compatible with gcc. Refer to each product’s User guide for additional information. -opt-streaming-cache-evict= and data output. OpenMP standards and tuned for leading server-class Arm-based platforms. Advanced code generation technology for the latest Oracle SPARC and x86 based systems, Support for the latest industry standards, including C++14, C++11, C11 and OpenMP 4.0 and extensive GCC compatibility features, Automatic code analysis during compilation and automatic stack overflow protection at application runtime. scientific and high-performance computing. Intel, Intel logo, and Cilk are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. In general, object code and modules compiled with earlier versions of Intel Fortran Compiler for Linux* (8.0 and later) may be used in a build with version 18.0. array/: Array math in modern CMake and Fortran, including MKL, BLAS, LAPACK and LAPACK95. For example, the following program does not conform to the OpenMP* 4.5 specification and ifort does not diagnose and issue an error for the COMMON statements following the OMP THREADPRIVATE statement according to the rule above. These are new Profile Guided Optimization options for hardware-based event sampling using the Intel® Compiler and the Intel® VTune™ Amplifier. Support for the Intel® Xeon Phi™ x100 product family coprocessor (formerly code name Knights Corner) is removed in this release. For best results, use only the gcc versions as supplied with distributions listed above. Modules that specified an ATTRIBUTES ALIGN directive inside a derived type declaration cannot be used by compilers older than 13.0.1. CUDA programs can run several times faster on a single Tesla V100 GPU compared 2010 kam die letzte Überarbeitung in Form von FORTRAN 2008 heraus. -[no-]opt-class-analysis The argument value of low provides a smooth transition experience from Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions 2 (Intel® AVX2) ISA to Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions 512 (Intel® AVX-512) ISA on a Skylake server microarchitecture target, such as for enterprise applications. UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED IN WRITING BY INTEL, THE INTEL PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED NOR INTENDED FOR ANY APPLICATION IN WHICH THE FAILURE OF THE INTEL PRODUCT COULD CREATE A SITUATION WHERE PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH MAY OCCUR. ian@rhymneyconsulting.co.uk jane@fortranplus.co.uk 3 Introduction This document looks at compilersupport for the mostrecent Fortran standards. your hardware utilization. Visual Studio Fortran support, Winteracter WiSK Graphics package, and more! Support for all features from “Technical Specification 29113 Further Interoperability with C”, planned for inclusion in Fortran 2015. Specifying new option -fimf-force-dynamic-target reverts to the previous behavior and dynamic SVML dispatching is used. The OpenMP* 4.5 rules states that if a threadprivate directive specifying a common block name appears in one program unit, then such a directive must also appear in every other program unit that contains a COMMON statement specifying the same name. efficiently than ever before. Intel continually evaluates the markets for our products in order to provide the best possible solutions to our customer’s challenges. The compiler no longer accepts the previous spelling -openmp. release (7.0) has extensive support for legacy and modern Fortran features including parallel programming with coarrays, as well as additional support for programming with OpenMP. Intel®-provided debug solutions are based GNU* GDB. Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them. system. Fortran is one of the earliest imperative computer programming languages around. -[no-]opt-dynamic-align The location of the target (Intel® Xeon Phi™ coprocessor x100 product family) libraries on the host are specified with the MIC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable and only host libraries with LD_LIBRARY_PATH. operations, events and tasks, plus other smaller features), almost all of Includes the automatic-parallelizing GFortran compiler, Lahey/Fujitsu Fortran 95 Please see the licenses included in the distribution as well as the Disclaimer and Legal Information section of these release notes for details. You can tune the zmm code generation done by the compiler with the new additional option -qopt-zmm-usage:low|high. LFortran is a modern, interactive, LLVM-based Fortran SANDYBRIDGE on the open source Flang front-end, and the LLVM‑based optimization and code Current characterized errata are available on request. CCE supports Fortran, C and C++. Try these quick links to visit popular site sections. and code generation. Intel oneAPI has complete Fortran 2018 support. regions of computation that are either sequential scalar, vector parallel or The products described in this document may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. or features from Fortran-2008 (ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010). -opt-report-help -opt-malloc-options= Intel offers the Linux edition of their compiler suite for free for -[no-]openmp As part of this on-going evaluation process Intel has decided to not offer Intel® Xeon Phi™ 7200 Coprocessor (codenamed Knights Landing Coprocessor) products to the market. Japanese language support is not provided with this release of the product. Product samples are now available online at Intel® Software Product Samples and Tutorials. Available as part of the Arm Compiler for Linux package. !$omp ordered simd monotonic([var:step]s) The AMD Optimizing C/C++ Compiler (AOCC) The Intel® Fortran Compiler also supports features from the proposed draft Fortran 2018 standard. GNU Fortran Compiler (gfortran) is a mature free and open source compiler, part of the GNU Compiler Collection. You can also download an offline version of the documentation from the Intel® Software Development Products Registration Center: Product List > Intel® Parallel Studio XE Documentation. Fortran for HPC applications development on GPU-accelerated systems. deliver the performance you need on CPUs, with OpenACC and CUDA Feature support extends this to HUGE and MINUS_HUGE {+/- largest representable integer or real}, TINY and MINUS_Tiny {+/- smallest representable integer or real}, and INFINITY and MINUS_INFINITY for +/- IEEE Infinity. username Some optimization options have restrictions regarding the processor type on which the application is run. The Intel® Fortran Compiler also supports features from the proposed draft Fortran 2015 standard. Windows. -[no-]opt-report-embed New monotonic, overlap and lastprivate keywords for OpenMP* SIMD directive: !$omp ordered simd overlap(overlap_index) -opt-report-per-object not list them above: Please let us know if there is any compiler that is not listed, or if we listed Therefore module files created by the version 16.0 or newer Fortran compiler cannot be used with version 15.0 or older Fortran compilers. Jane Sleightholme: Fortranplus, London. The browser version you are using is not recommended for this site.Please consider upgrading to the latest version of your browser by clicking one of the following links. New option forces use of SVML where currently LIBM is used, for scalar math. balancing (offering an increase in performance of up to 20%! Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.1 Developer Guide and Reference. This directive only applies to Intel® 64 architecture targeting the Intel® Xeon Phi™ x200 product family (formerly code name Knights Landing) and it is only available for Linux* systems, Please refer to the compiler documentation for details. -openmp-task= Fortran 2018 began as the TS18508 extension, formerly known as Fortran 2015. The latest NAG Fortran Compiler IBM® XL Fortran By -[no-]opt-prefetch[=] polishers, dependency generator for module and include files, call-graph Sign up here For the best experience, a multi-core or multi-processor system is recommended, Intel® Xeon Phi™ Processor Software for Intel® Xeon Phi™ processor, For development of IA-32 or Intel® 64 architecture applications, one of the following Linux distributions (this is the list of distributions tested by Intel; other distributions may or may not work and are not recommended - please refer to, SuSE LINUX Enterprise Server* 11 (SP4),12 (SP2), Ubuntu* 14.04 LTS, 15.10, 16.04 LTS, 16.10, 17.04, Linux Developer tools component installed, including gcc, g++ and related tools.
2020 fortran 2018 compiler