Relax your facial expressions to keep from grimacing, twisting or pursing your lips, lifting your eyebrows, or scowling. It is important for a nurse to take a step back from the patient who is angry and ask themselves what is really going on. Patients with low health literacy are more likely to be passive during healthcare encounters and less likely to engage in shared decision-making with their physicians due to the lack of comprehension. “An option open to you is…”. We consider the cost and the negative impact on the outcome of the health from poor communication, which includes … Confirm your shared understanding of what is to be done. It is decided that all information will flow through Lisa, although this does not make everyone happy. Crossing your arms sends a message that you are closed off, uninterested or confrontational. Ineffective healthcare delivery increases the likelihood of negative patient outcomes. Effective communication within a healthcare setting is critically important. During this time, the nurse takes a moment to talk to the parents about any concerns they have. Make it a point to be there for them, a presence of peace and understanding. 35-45. Communication is a two-way street. Offering our older patients the extra time they may need when communicating is a dignity that should be put above all else. Certain words sound very similar to one another if they are spoken quickly.Take the time to speak slowly and carefully to ensure your words are less likely to be mistaken by others. communication skills guide to practice will explore several Silent Messages’ (1971), Professor Albert Mehrabian of UCLA, demonstrated that when words and non-verbal communication (tone and body language) are in conflict, people will almost always believe the non-verbal message. Choose your words to fit the situation and the audience. “There’s something I want to talk to you about. You can moderate your body language by utlising these different spaces. In addition to restricting her driving privileges, Carolyn needed several tests to rule out different probable causes of her fainting spell. The best course of action is to carefully interview the patient to draw out what they are feeling. All staff that comes into contact with patients has a role to play in the delivery of their healthcare. Your Continue to give the same honest, loving care you have been providing the patient. Take a moment to relax and control your body before engaging in a situation you expect to be heated. Minimal time and cost were needed to program an additional field for score entry into their preexisting electronic medical record. Always try to keep your older patient in the conversation. If someone cannot read, they might not be able to understand the instructions to their medication and unintentionally misuse them. Instead of being afraid, Daniel is now fascinated by the new toys in front of him and plays with them. Health literacy can be defined as the patient’s ability to obtain, comprehend, communicate and understand basic healthcare information and services. She wrote down all the key information in a system that she had developed to keep herself from forgetting important points. “You make me so cross when you’re so rude.”. For example, if the necessity for taking statin medication is not conveyed to the patient, he/she will not realize its importance and his/her high cholesterol will go unchecked. Relax your body language and try to remain neutral. These standards are divided into the following categories: 1) governance, leadership and workforce, 2) communication and language assistance and 3) engagement, continuous improvement and accountability.13. If you plan on asking a patient about their drug history or HIV status, for example, then finding a more private environment is essential. Barriers to Effective Communication in Health Care. For this reason, patient information should be provided in multiple formats. The plan is agreed to, however, and now the nurse need only field one update call per shift and continue to communicate with her elderly patient, Mr Reed. For example, a doctor may know the medicine best and you may know the patient best. Intimate distance: for intimacy, loving touch, comforting, wrestling. Tone can help de-escalate a distressed and angry patient. This is problematic given that the tone of your voice makes up roughly 40% of face-to-face communication (Mehrabian 1971). In a single encounter, the healthcare system demands that patients be aware of a myriad of complex topics (for example, health insurance reimbursement, evidence-based reasoning for diagnoses, acute medical interventions, lifestyle and medication self-management of chronic conditions etc.). Consequently, patients would be informed about healthcare processes and empowered to become active participants in decisions regarding their health.3. Communication evolves; be realistic with your expectations and be patient, yet motivated, to create small changes. Cultural and linguistic competency is necessary throughout every level of a healthcare organization. taking care of yourself and allowing yourself time to disconnect from work. The PDSA method is a cyclic process performed periodically for continuous process improvement. what was the patient doing earlier in the day that may have impacted the situation? It is common for many older adults to have a fear of creating a fuss (Daniel 2014) – and along with a higher chance of memory and cognitive disturbances – this can create an enormous potential for For this reason, representative individuals from the target patient population should be involved in the creation of patient materials as an additional quality assurance measure. Often in large family situations, a representative should be appointed as the main contact. Responsibility Honesty is, once again, very important, and you shouldn’t make empty promises to keep a relative calm. AHRQ Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit. Patients should be provided with patient information/assessments upon intake (preferably in dual visual and audio formats). There are multiple components to effective communication in a healthcare setting: healthcare literacy, cultural competency and language barriers. To do this, one of the best-practice and most widely used handover tools is the If you have something important to talk to them about, and the time does not seem right, fire a ‘warning shot’ by saying, “I fail to understand how,” and demanding phrases such as, … For example, saying: the patient has fallen. If relatives and friends are disturbing the patient’s rest, working them up or causing them unnecessary distress, the nurse has the right to step in and remove the family. You are a representative of your facility and the nursing profession in general. It might sound strange, but learning a new language puts you in better touch with your native tongue and can open your eyes to the way you use the words you already know. Be sure to use at least three patient identifiers. The Expanded Care Model delineates the above guidelines for healthcare teams to be prepared and take proactive steps in ensuring positive patient health outcomes. Once you have established that they are privy to the details, tell them the truth about what is going on with their loved one. When building rapport with a patient, you do not have only one chance. Nurses, for example, will often carry their own personal mobile phones on their person. It is important for you to be in a healthy mental state when working with a population of patients who are in the process of dying. If any one of these components is compromised, effective communication does not occur. If you are their nurse, and available for their concerns, they may be more willing to talk to you than to the doctor, who may only spend five minutes in the room. Communicating about difficult issues is much easier if the small steps have been taken first. Another good positive response is, Before the end of the healthcare encounter, patient’s understanding should be gauged and any information discussed should be provided to the patient in a simplified format. In addition, all information should be provided in a format that patients can take home. Ahern, G, 2017, ‘The Art of Active Listening’, Ausmed, viewed 13 March 2019. Alvarado, K, Lee, R, Christoffersen, E, Fram, N, Boblin, S, Poole, N, Lucas, J & Forsyth, S 2006, ‘Transfer of Accountability: Transforming Shift Handover to Enhance Patient Safety’, Healthcare Quarterly, vol. What you say to a doctor or a fellow nurse might be very different to what you would say to a patient and their family. Hodgkinson, K 2015, Communicating with Patients, Ausmed, 18 May, viewed 13 March 2019. Communication during the medical interaction among the health practitioner and the patient has a pivotal role in creating a positive health impact that includes drug adherence, future decision making on the interventions and modifying the health behaviours of the patient. Each test needed to be carefully explained to Carolyn and the information repeated. Keep your hands and arms in front of your body, not crossed. This may mean compromising for the sake of peace, or involving your management and HR in the discussion, where appropriate.
2020 examples of communication in healthcare