The designers behind gr. If your plans change, update your RSVP so we have an accurate attendee list. One of the things that’s interesting about the Bay Area, I think, I don’t remember, … Arrive on time. Donate here or contact BABD founder Kat Vellos. And to join our group, you should be living in the San Francisco Bay Area (hence the "Bay Area" in our title).4. …” Read more. *Please respect the intention of this group and only join if you are:• a Black person• ...and a designer, or an aspiring one• ...and living in the SF Bay AreaIf all three of the above don't apply to you but want to network with this group, you can invite us to participate at another meetup or event that you're doing, offer to be a guest speaker for our group, send job listings or donate to our expenses at bayareablackdesigners.comMEETUP REQUIREMENTS1. Shop for Good: Support the Bay Area's Black fashion designers, boutiques + beauty brands By . Yes, yes, yes and yes. Our community thrives because of trust, honesty, and communication.3. Our meetups are private so we need to know who the members really are. Protest. Promotional messages of a spammy nature are not acceptable.If you feel inspired to create a similar group to BABD or a similar community event, please use a distinct name to avoid confusion or assumed affiliation.Unacceptable behavior:Mean-spirited or bullying behavior.Discriminatory jokes and language.Posting sexually explicit or violent material.Posting (or threatening to post) other people's personally identifying information.Personal insults or slurs, especially those using racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic terms or insults relating to religion, country of origin, and/or physical/mental ability.Degrading comments and jokes using racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic terms or insults relating to religion, country of origin, and/or physical/mental ability.Unwelcome sexual attention.Stalking, or any repeated harassment of others. Stop means stop. Bay Area Black Designers is a dynamic and supportive professional development community for Black designers living in the San Francisco Bay Area. Bay Area Black Designers is a dynamic and supportive professional development community for Black designers living in the San Francisco Bay Area. We meet about ten times a year. Knowing that there’s more of “us” in tech even if I don’t see it at my company.”. This content is available only to members, Black Excellence: Jazmyn Latimer, Design Manager at Code for America, Agree to uphold our Community Standards and Code of Conduct ( (also pasted below).BABD COMMUNITY STANDARDSBay Area Black Designers is a supportive environment for designers and aspiring designers to learn, grow, and support each other as we develop our skills and share our gifts with the world. And it’s working. With over 500 members who work at startups, agencies, design studios, universities, midsize companies and large corporations, BABD provides professional development and community for Black designers… If you're a Black designer and have often felt like you are “the only one," join us. Bay Area Black Designers is a professional development community for Black people who are practicing digital design in the tech industry. Listen and learn. Many thanks to Asana and Women Talk Design for their 2020 financial contributions to BABD’s expenses. A journey through the portfolios of several group members practicing UI design, graphic design, art direction, illustration, and UX design. BABD has been proud to host past meetups at the following companies: Are you a company, venue, or individual who would like to support our group with a financial contribution, or sponsor BABD in some other way? Put your money where your mouth heart is. With designers at every level of experience spanning disciplines like UX Design, UI Design, Interaction Design, Graphic Design, Web Design, Product Design and UX Research, BABD has become a model for how underrepresented people are building their own powerful networks. It's really helped my mental health.”, “This group gives me confidence. We want everyone to feel safe in this group. No means no. Our group is a place where members can freely express themselves without fear of judgment or harassment. Bay Area Black Designers is a professional development community for Black people who are practicing digital design in the tech industry. dano, Jill Giordano and Brian Scheyer, just may be one of San Francisco’s best designer duos. We treat each other with kindness and professionalism.All participants and visitors are expected to treat other participants, visitors, staff and the general public with respect. Go away means go away.Coercion, manipulation, blackmail, or revenge.Violent threats or language directed against another person or groups of people.Pretending to be someone else.Using this group to do any illegal activity.Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior. Use a real photo of your face in your profile and your real name. Real identities, really local. We are an amazing collection of Black design professionals working in all areas of design within tech — at every level of experience from beginners to experts — in the following areas of design: UX … Bay Area Black Designers partnered with the Black Product Managers meetup group to share an evening of insights and conversation with the heads of product and design at Instagram, “With nearly 400 members living in the San Francisco metro area, Bay Area Black Designers (BABD) has become the community where Black designers can find dynamic support and professional development. Actively attend meetups. If you are a non-Black person, please respect our group's need, intention, and mission; if you're just looking for design meetups, there are 75 other terrific design-related meetups in the Bay area that we recommend checking out. We are an amazing collection of Black design professionals working in all areas of design within tech — at every level of experience from beginners to experts — in the following areas of design: UX Design, UI Design, Interaction Design, Graphic Design, Web Design, Product Design, UX Research.In community we share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development resources, feedback, support, resilience, project collaboration, and friendship. Is that right? Kendall Howse: It’s changed quite a bit. Please don't RSVP "Yes" if you're not really coming. Unless otherwise noted, the photography on this site was done by designer and photographer André Pennycooke. How have you started to see the Bay Area kind of change in terms of the design community since you’ve been there? A dynamic and supportive professional development community for Black designers living in the Bay Area. Another way to make a difference and support the Bay Area Black community: Buy from Black-owned businesses. If you're a Black designer and have often felt like you are “the only one," join us. RSVP honestly and professionally. Their timeless and minimal pieces appeal to practically everyone, and not only that, every single piece is handmade by the two. Members have referred to us as Silicon Valley’s largest unofficial Employee Resource Group for Black design talent. With over 500 members who work at startups, agencies, design studios, universities, midsize companies and large corporations, BABD provides professional development and community for Black designers, especially those who know what an isolating experience it is to be the only Black designer in their company or design team.
2020 bay area black designers